i. Client: National Health Insurance Scheme

ii. Nature of Assignment:

  • Generate Nationwide PPP Selection Launch Campaign creatives  – Radio, TV, Press, Outdoor, Poster, Brochure, POS
  • Generate Regional Capitation Launch Campaign creatives covering Upper East, Upper West and Volta Regions – Local Radio, Outdoor, Fliers, Posters, Brochure, POS
  • Create synergies between the two projects such that one reinforces the other going forward
  • Plus a good PR support copy strategy

iii. Project Deliverables and Impacts:

  • Create and heighten awareness of the process of PPP selection and its value statement/benefits
  • Encourage all NHIA subscribers nationwide to select their own PPP
  • Promote the benefits of the new NHIA Capitation regime targeted exclusively to the  resident populations in Upper East, Upper West and Volta regions